We have developed tried and true methods for using our equipment and offer a complete and comprehensive training program that will enable technicians to take advantage of our extensive R&D efforts.

This training can be held at your preferred location or at our own facilities and can usually be completed within one full day depending on the number of personnel that are to be trained.

Our instructors are readily available and will have the appropriate licences, certifications and documentation to successfully be accepted into restricted facilities.

Our experienced technical team is easily reachable. End users who need assistance can be in direct contact and will receive quick answers to their concerns. Our lines are always open and all inquiries will be answered as fast as possible, under 24 hours, and usually within the hour.

All of our products come with a 2 year limited warranty. We will always put our efforts into minimizing equipment down-time by fast tracking any necessary repairs.

Being passionate about our work, we are proud to be helping the bravest people on earth on their most important missions. We support First Responders worldwide with all of our knowledge and R&D efforts.

Our dedicated Restricted Area contains an array of documentations concerning trends and technology, available to authorities across the globe, whether they are users of our products or not.

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